After a terrific first run, The Atwater Village Chamber of Commerce will once again host Summer Nights on the Blvd on Thursday, August 27th. We will have music (including my husband's band and Zachariah and the Lobos Riders), art, dance, our merchants will stay open late, refreshments, and general ballyhoo.
The Atwater Village Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce
that once again Glendale Boulevard (Atwater Village’s “Main Street”)
will come alive with Fashion, Food, & Fun. Live music, dancers, and
more will be entertaining late into the evening (well, at least until
10PM) up and down the entire stretch of Glendale Boulevard.
Summer Nights on the Boulevard is about to happen on Thursday, August 27th, 2009 from 6-10PM.
will be open late. Restaurants will offer sidewalk dining. And there
will be much more! Yes, once again the Los Angeles spotlight will be
shining brightly on our wonderful Village of Atwater.
As you all
know, this exciting evening doesn’t just happen on its own. It takes a
Village and that’s where you come in. Please spread the word, send out
e-mails, make phone calls, tell your neighbors. Tell your buds in Los
Feliz and Silverlake to cross the bridge and see for themselves why
everyone keeps talking about Atwater Village and why we’re so hot!
Come enjoy our gorgeous little Village and all we have to offer!