On Saturday I'm participating in a play reading put together by the incredibly talented Eileen O'Connell. Eileen's boyfriend, Colm Byrne, wrote the play,called Choke Point, which is loosely based on the New York Times/Jason Blair scandal. Knowing my propensity for procrastination, and that I would never get around to reading the piece at home - as long as the Food Network was there to tempt me - I thought I'd come down to the coffee shop. No Ina Garten or Giada DiLaurentiis at the coffee shop!
So, here I am, at Kaldi Coffee Shop on Glendale, using their free wireless to write about...how I'm NOT procrastinating...reading this play. Okay, I'm taking a break, but only because this place is awesome and I want to tell the world. I ordered the Cinnamon Bun Latte. Read it again. Cinnamon. Bun. Latte. Yummerly yumyums.
Comfy mismatched furniture abounds here. I'm perched in a sunny corner, loving it. All morning, I've watched a calvacade of Northeast LAers come in, sit down, use the free wireless, write the Great American Novel, etc. I could make this a habit.